Needlework Group

Every Monday, 2.00-4.00 P.M. the group of ladies meet together in the Old Vic to sew, knit and chat. As well as looking after the church linen and furnishings, they are involved in a variety of projects. These include knitting sweaters for a school in Uganda and making clothes for the Special Baby Care Unit at North Manchester Hospital. If you wish to take part go along at 2.00 P.M. on any Monday afternoon of contact Joan Eagleton (0161 643 9365). 

Most  members  of  the  congregation  are aware of the work of the Needlework Group. In addition to the Church requirements the Group undertakes hospital work which is both interesting and fulfilling. 

The Group makes:

1. Special requirements for the Neo-Natal and Maternity Units at the Royal Oldham Hospital.

2. Knee blankets, shoulder shawls, waistcoats, bed socks and we collect clean nightwear for elderly patients at North Manchester General Hospital.

3. Recently we have started to knit "Fish 4 Chip blankets". These are blankets which are sent to East Africa villages where new-born babies are wrapped in newspaper - hence the name!

The Hospital Project was initiated by a talk given by a Mothers Union speaker and has gone from strength to strength. 

Of course the Group is always short of materials and we would be glad of any donations. We would particularly welcome;

Wool - baby pastel shades for clothes and blankets 
Lace edging
Narrow baby ribbon

Night clothes (male and female) clean and in good repair, dressing gowns and slippers.
(These are for older patients who are admitted  in emergencies).

Any of these items may be given to any member of the Needlework Group and will be much appreciated and used.

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